Standard or Smooth
Rhythms |
Year: Page |
Title |
2024: 30-31 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Lines, They Aren't Always
Straight: A Picture Figure
Clinic" |
33-34 |
John & Karen Herr |
"Suggestions for Better
Dancing" |
2018: 39-41 |
Dan & Sandi Finch |
"The Lefts and the
Rights: Improving Your Rotational
Figures" |
2010: 109-111 |
Paul & Linda Robinson |
"Smooth Dancing" |
2010: 113 |
Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid |
"It's Not Just About
Getting There -- But How You Get There" |
2009: 51-53 |
Ron & Mary Noble |
"Dance with Ease: Constants in Dancing" |
2007: 70 |
Kristine & Bruce Nelson |
"Movin' on UP!" |
2007: 74 |
Judy & Hank Scherrer |
"Intermediate Picture
Figures" |
2006: 74-76 |
Chris & Terri Cantrell |
"Lead? Follow?" |
2006: 77-79 |
Ralph & Joan Collipi |
"Smooth Dancing: If Fred
Ginger Can Do It, Why Can't You?" |
2006: 80-83 |
Sandi & Dan Finch |
"Finding Solutions for
Common Problems in Smooth Dancing" |
2005: 115-116 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"The Secrets of Successful
Dancing (S.O.S. Help!)" |
2005: 117-118 |
Jack & Judy DeChenne |
"Your Space or Mine?" |
2005: 121-123 |
Richard E. Lamberty |
"Partnered Rotations: Turns, Spins, and Swivels" |
2005: 135-137 |
Kenji & Nobuko Shibata |
"Shape & Make a
Line: Picture Figure Clinic" |
2004: 112-113 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"It's a Side Show" |
2004: 118-119 |
Richard E. Lamberty |
"Rise in Waltz and
Foxtrot" |
2004: 120-121 |
Richard E Lamberty |
"Sway: The Basics" |
2003: 49 |
Kay & Joy Read |
"Transcending from
Telemarks to Telespins" |
2003: 50-51 |
Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid |
"Spins & Turns" |
2003: 54-55 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Taking the Mystry Out of
CBM and CBMP" |
2002: 65 |
Curt & Tammy Worlock |
"Heel Turns" |
2001: 61-63 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Making and Adapting
Ballroom Lines" |
2001: 67 |
Richard Lamberty |
"The Five Fundamental Foot
Positions" |
2000: 54 |
Richard E. Lamberty & Alise
Halbert |
"Open Work in Higher Level
Rounds" |
1999: 42-43 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"The ABC's of Dancing" |
1999: 53-54 |
Curt & Tammy Worlock |
"Stretch & Shape
(Creating Sway)" |
1998: 50-53 |
Jerry & Diana Broadwater |
"The Rotary & Linear
Action Relative to Our Swing Rhythms" |
1998: 65 |
Richard E. Lamberty & Alise
Halbert |
"An Analysis of Widely Used
Figures from Popular Dances" |
1997: 18-24 |
Richard E Lamberty |
"Footwork and Rise: Two Sides of the Same Coin" |
1996: 33-37 |
Richard Lamberty |
"Basic Latin Action"
(compared with Ballroom) |
1995: 37 |
Peter & Beryl Barton |
"Peter & Beryl Barton's
Comments & Suggestions for Better Dancing" |
1987: 46-50 |
Mike & Diana Sheridan |
"Lines and Picture
Figures" |
1981: 15-17 |
Roy & Phyllis Stier |
"Styling Clinic" |
Latin or Rhythm |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2008: 66-67 |
Irv & Betty Easterday |
"Who Leads? Who Follows" That Is the Question!: The Latin Way" |
2007: 61-64 |
Sandi & Dan Finch |
"Latin Technique" |
2006: 76 |
Chris & Terri Cantrell |
Lead? Follow? |
2006: 100 |
Michael & Diana Sheridan |
"Latin Problem
Figures" |
2005: 129-130 |
Al & Carol Lillifield |
"The Latin Toolbox" |
2005: 131-134 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Using Your Arms to
Decorate Your Dancing" |
2004: 114-117 |
Chris & Terri Cantrell |
"Latin Attitude" |
1999: 42-43 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"The ABC's of Dancing" |
1999: 55-58 |
Jerry & Diana Broadwater |
"What's the
Difference: American vs. International
Latins: Cha Cha, Rumba, Jive" |
1998: 54 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Learning Latin in
Layers" |
1998: 55 |
Curt & Tammy Worlock |
"Twists and Turns of Latin
Dance" |
1997: 18-24 |
Richard E. Lamberty |
"Footwork and Rise: Two Sides of the Same Coin" |
1996: 33-37 |
Richard Lamberty |
"Basic Latin Action" |
1981: 15-17 |
Roy & Phyllis Stier |
"Styling Clinic" |
Argentine Tango |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2017: 40 |
Rey & Sherry Garza |
"Argentine Tango Clinic -
Phase 6: Walking with Ease" |
2008: 58-59 |
George & Pamela Hurd |
"Argentine Tango
Notes" |
2007: 58-60 |
Jack & Judy DeChenne |
"The Tangos: Argentine, International, and American
Styles |
2005: 142-143 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Tango, Tango, Tango: Combining Three Tangos Into One" |
2004: 105-107 |
Ron & Mary Noble |
"Embrace the Dance: Argentine Tango" |
2000: 51-53 |
Jack & Judy DeChenne |
"Tango: Argentine Style" |
1989: 36-37 |
Brent & Michey Moore |
"The Tangos - Different
from Other Dances and Themselves" |
1996: 28-30 |
Brent & Michey Moore |
"Tango with a
Difference" |
1984: 25-26 |
Roy & Phyllis Stier |
"Argentine Tango" |
1982: 99 |
Peter & Beryl Barton |
"The Tango: A Dance of Love?" |
Bolero |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2021: 27-28 |
Randy & Marie Preskitt |
"Bolero Clinic Notes" |
2018: 37-38 |
John & Karen Herr |
"Some Thoughts on
Bolero" |
2018: 51 |
Tom Hicks |
"Bolero Workshop" |
2015: 43-44 |
Bob & Sally Nolen |
"Bolero Dance - An American
Dance" |
2015: 46-47 |
Steve & Lori Harris |
"Bolero Fundamentals" |
2013: 68-69 |
Ron & Mary Noble |
"Introduction to
Bolero" |
2013: 70-71 |
Michael & Diana Sheridan |
"Bolero Clinic - Phase
5" |
2010: 105-106 |
Kristine & Bruce Nelson |
"Bolero - Rumba with a
'Big' Difference" |
2010: 107-108 |
Mark & Shelley Hilburn |
"Not So Basic Bolero -
Nuances of the Dance of Love" |
2007: 65-66 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Bolero Clinic Notes" |
2007: 69 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"The Character of
Bolero" |
2006: 88-89 |
Kay & Bob "Ski's"
Kurczewski |
"Bolero: The Dance of Love" |
2004: 104 |
Kenji & Nobuko Shibata |
"Bolero - Shaping &
Turns" |
2003: 56-57 |
Ralph & Joan Collipi |
"Bolero Dance History" |
2002: 58-60 |
Jack & Judy DeChenne |
"Bolero - The Other
Rumba" |
2000: 55 |
Kay & Joy Read |
"Bolero Clinic Notes" |
1999: 44 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Bolero Revisited" |
1996: 50-52 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Fundamentals of Bolero -
And Beyond" |
1994: 29-30 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Notes on Bolero" |
1993: 29-30 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Bolero Clinic Notes" |
1983: 45-49 |
George & Mady D'Aloiso |
"Bolero, Flamenco
Style" |
Cha Cha |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2008: 64-65 |
Dwain & Judy Sechrist |
"2008 Seminar Notes - Rumba
& Cha Cha" |
2006: 90-91 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"Technique in Rumba and
Cha-Cha" |
2001: 65-66 |
Kay & Joy Read |
"Improve Your 'Chasses' and
Advance Your Cha Cha Cha" |
2000: 56-57 |
Irv & Betty Easterday |
"Cha Cha Cha" |
2000: 58-59 |
Jim & Bonnie Bahr |
"That Pesky 'Other Cha Cha
Rhythm'" |
1999: 45-46 |
Jerry & Diana Broadwater |
"Cha Cha Clinic Notes" |
1994: 31-32 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"Cha Cha Clinic Notes" |
1990: 41 |
Derek & Jean Tonks |
"Cha Cha Clinic Notes" |
1987: 30-36 |
Kenji & Nobuko Shibata |
"Cha Cha Clinic Note" |
1987: 54-64 |
Dwain & Judy Sechrist |
"Clinic Notes for Selected
Phase 5 & 6 Rumba and Cha Figures" |
1984: 19, 21 |
Steve & Fran Bradt |
"Rumba/Cha Cha" |
1982: 111-115 |
Mike & Diana Sheridan |
"Latin Basics" |
1981: 20 |
Irv & Betty Easterday |
"Cha Cha Cha" |
1980: 69-70 |
Bob & Rosemary Holiday |
"Notes on Cha Cha
(Heartache Cha Cha)" |
Foxtrot |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2022: 30 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"Foxtrot Clinic - Phase
5/6" |
2021: 29-30 |
Tom Hicks |
"Creating a Fundamental
Movement through Foot Placement, Transfer of Weight, and Sway" |
2018: 42-44 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"Smooth Out & Make Your
Foxtrot Travel" |
2018: 45-46 |
Bob & Sally Nolen |
"Foxtrot Workshop for the
Advanced Dancer" |
2018: 47-50 |
Mark & Pam Prow |
"Foxtrot Clinic Notes" |
2017: 35-36 |
Randy Lewis & Debbie Olson |
"Let's Get Smooth - Foxtrot
Clinic Phase 4" |
2017: 37-39 |
Paula & Warwick Armstrong |
"Foxtrot Clinic - Phase
5" |
2015: 39 |
Ron & Mary Noble |
"Foxtrot Clinic - Phase
VI" |
2015: 42 |
Kristine & Bruce Nelson |
"Float & Flight &
Fun - It's Foxtrot" |
2015: 45 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"Phase IV and V
Foxtrot" |
2012: 31-33 |
Sandi & Dan Finch |
"Foxtrot: An Advanced (Phase V) Discussion" |
2012: 37 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"Foxtrot = For Men
Only" |
2012: 40-42 |
Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid |
"The Foxy Foxtrot" |
2008: 68-69 |
Paul & Linda Robinson |
"Waltz & Foxtrot, A
Comparison" |
2008: 70-74 |
Paul & Ann Clements |
"Leading and Following in
Waltz & Foxtrot" |
2007: 67 |
Anne & Gup Gupton |
"Waltz & Foxtrot
Figures" |
2006: 84-87 |
Anita Froehlich & Rick
Linden |
"Improving Your
Foxtrot" |
2006: 101 |
Ken & Irene Slater |
"Foxtrot Clinic
Notes" |
2004: 108-111 |
Chris & Terri Cantrell |
"Foxtrot" |
2004: 118-119 |
Richard E. Lamberty |
"Rise in Waltz and
Foxtrot" |
2003: 58-59 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Simply Speaking, It's
Simply Foxtrot" |
2002: 63-64 |
Kay & Joy Read |
"Foxtrot Weaves - Expanding
the Basics" |
2000: 48-50 |
Carlos & Nancy Esqueda |
"Foxtrot Clinic Notes" |
1996: 53-55 |
Phil & Jane Robertson |
"Dancing Foxtrot" |
1994: 33 |
Carlos & Nancy Esqueda |
"Foxtrot Clinic Notes" |
1992: 30 |
Jim & Bobbie Childers |
"Walk, Dance, Fly: 1992 URDC Foxtrot Clinic Notes" |
1991: 47-48 |
Peter & Beryl Barton |
"International Slow Foxtrot
Notes" |
1991: 49-51 |
Mike & Sally Poehler |
"Advanced Foxtrot Figure
Clinic" |
1990: 43 |
Richard E. Lamberty &
Marilou Morales |
"Foxtrot Clinic Notes" |
1989: 30-31 |
Ken & Irene Slater |
"Clinic Notes for Slow
Foxtrot Phase IV+" |
1989: 33B |
Jim & Bobbie Childers |
"Foxtrot Clinic Notes" |
1988: 42-44 |
Richard & Jo Anne Lawson |
"Clinic Notes - Phase IV
Foxtrot & Swing" |
1987: 38-40 |
Eddie & Audrey Palmquist |
"Dancing Slow Foxtrot" |
1987: 42-44 |
Mike & Sally Poehler |
"International Slow Foxtrot
Clinic Notes" |
1985: 75-76 |
Irv & Betty Easterday |
"The American Foxtrot -
Intermediate to Advanced Clinic" |
1985: 77-79 |
Eddie & Audrey Palmquist |
"Dancing Slow Foxtrot at
the Advanced Level" |
1984: 23-24 |
Brent & Michey Moore |
"Waltz/Foxtrot Clinic
Notes" |
1983: 21-22 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Foxtrot Clinic Notes" |
1982: 101-109 |
Bill & Dorothy Britton |
"International Slow Foxtrot
Clinic" |
1980: 37-38 |
Sam & Jody Shawver |
"Slow Foxtrot" |
1979: 65-68 |
Glen & Elaine Dolmar |
"Slow Fox Trot
Workshop" |
Hesitation Canter
Waltz |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2009: 45-47 |
Mark & Pam Prow |
"Hesitation/Canter Waltz
Introduction" |
Hustle |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2001: 70-72 |
Kenji & Nobuko Shibata |
"Hustle Clinic Note" |
Jive |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2019: 32 |
Randy & Marie Preskitt |
"Teaching the Basics of
Jive" |
2019: 35-36 |
Tom Hicks |
"Jive: Ideas and Thoughts" |
2019: 37 |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"Jive Clinic Notes - Phase
V" |
2004: 112-113 |
Jim & Bonnie Bahr |
"Jive or Swing: Is There a Difference?" |
2001: 64 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Swing & Jive, Is There
a Difference?" |
1999: 47-48 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Lindy Hop" |
1996: 25-27 |
Irv & Betty Easterday |
"The Swing's the
Thing" |
1990: 45 |
John & Mary Macuci |
"Jive Clinic" |
1988: 42, 44 |
Richard & Jo Anne Lawson |
"Clinic Notes - Phase IV
Foxtrot & Swing" |
1984: 20 |
Irv & Betty Easterday |
"Jive (Swing, Lindy,
Jitterbug)" |
1983: 38 |
Bob & Mary Ann Rother |
"Jive (Triple Swing)" |
1981: 21-27 |
Bobbie & George Stone |
"About Jive" and
"Jive Figures" |
1980: 25-26 |
Jack & Alma Bassett |
"Swing Clinic" |
Mambo |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2009: 48-50 |
Chris & Terri Cantrell |
"Mambo" |
2001: 73-74 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"Mambo Notes" |
1993: 31 |
Irv & Betty Easterday |
"Let's Dance Mambo" |
1992: 33-34 |
Warren & Sandy Teague |
"Mambo Clinic Notes" |
1990: 47-49 |
Chris & Terri Cantrell |
"Mambo Clinic Notes" |
Merengue |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
1999: 49 |
Ralph & Joan Collipi |
"Merengue Notes" |
1991: 53 |
George & Mady D'Aloiso |
"Merengue" |
1991: 54 |
Del & June Wilson |
"Clinic Notes on
Merengue" |
Doble |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2023: 31 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Paso Doble Clinic Notes -
Phase V/VI" |
2009: 44 |
Curt & Tammy Worlock |
"Paso Doble" |
2006: 96-97 |
Kay & Joy Read |
"Paso Doble
Clinic" |
2002: 66-67 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Paso Doble Clinic
Notes" |
2000: 60-61 |
Ralph & Joan Collipi |
"The Matador's Dance" |
1996: 56-57 |
Kenji & Nobiko Shibataf |
"Paso Doble Clinic
Notes" |
1995: 32-33 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Pase Doble Clinic
Notes" |
1991: 55-57 |
Warren & Sandy Teague |
"Paso Doble Notes" |
1979: 63-64 |
Roy & Phyllis Stier |
"Paso Doble
Clinic" |
Quickstep |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2023: 32 |
Ton Hicks |
"Quickstep Clinic - Phase
IV/V: Does Quickstep Mean
'Quickturn'?" |
2014: 4 (9-10) |
Paul & Linda Robinson |
"Introduction to
Quickstep" |
2014: (11-12) |
Gert-Jan and Susie Rotscheid |
"Stepping into
Quickstep" |
2011: 47-48 |
Dick & Karen Fisher |
"The Quickstep" |
2011: 49-50 |
Bruce & Kristine Nelson |
"Quickstep: Joyful, Light and Airy (Who Me? Are You Kidding?)" |
2007: 68 |
Al & Carol Lillefield |
"Let's Keep Quickstep
Alive" |
2006: 92-93 |
Randy & Marie Preskitt |
"Quickstep" |
2006: 94-95 |
Mark & Pam Prow |
"Quickstep Clinic Teach
Notes" |
1996: 31-32 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"Quickstep Clinic
Notes" |
1995: 34-35 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"Quickstep: Brent's
Mickey's Notes for Dance Improvement" |
1994: 36 |
Warren & Sandy Teague |
"Quickstep Clinic
Notes" |
1992: 31-32 |
Russ & Barbara Casey |
"Quickstep Workshop
Notes" |
1990: 50 |
Mike & Sally Poehler |
"International Quickstep
Clinic Notes" |
1989: 32 |
John & Mary Macuci |
"Quickstep Clinic
Notes" |
1988: 38-39 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"Clinic Notes: Phase V Quickstep: Ah, Bach""" |
1988: 42 |
Richard & Jo Anne Lawson |
"Clinic Notes - Phase IV
Foxtrot & Swing" |
1983; 41 |
Jack & Ione Kern |
"Basic Quickstep" |
1982: 95-97 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Quickstep Clinic
Notes" |
Rumba |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2016: 33-34 |
Steve & Lori Harris |
"Getting That Rumba
Flavor" |
2008: 64-65 |
Dwain & Judy Sechrist |
"2008 Seminar Notes - Rumba
& Cha Cha" |
2006: 90-91 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"Technique in Rumba and Cha
Cha" |
1997: 17 |
Kay & Joy Read |
"Advanced Rumba Figure
Amalgamations (Leading & Execution)" |
1996: 12-15 |
Dwain & Judy Sechrist |
Clinic Notes - Rumba |
1995: 36 |
Kenji & Nobuko Shibataf |
"Rumba Clinic Notes" |
1993: 32 |
Carlos & Nancy Esqueda |
"Rumba Clinic Notes" |
1992: 35 |
Mike & Sally Poehler |
"Rumba Clinic Teach" |
1991: 59-61 |
Ray & Anne Brown |
"Rumba Clinic/Teach
Notes" |
1990: 53-54 |
Wayne & Donna Slotsve |
"Clinic Notes on
Rumba" |
1987: 52 |
Petr & Beryl Barton |
"Clinic Notes
(Comments)" |
1987: 54-64 |
Dwain & Judy Sechrist |
"Clinic Notes for Selected
Phase 5 & 6 Rumba & Cha Figures" |
1985: 81-82 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"Notes for an Intermediate
Rhumba Clinic" |
1984: 19, 21 |
Steve & Fran Bradt |
"Clinic Notes - Rumba/Cha
Cha" |
1983: 51-54 |
Roy & Sally Plaisance |
"Rumba Clinic Notes" |
1982: 93 |
Bob & maryAnn Rother |
"International Rumba
Notes" |
1982: 111-117 |
Mike & Diana Sheridan |
"Latin Basics" |
1980: 31 |
Eddie & Audrey Palmquist |
"Comments on International
Rumba" |
Salsa |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2005: 119-120 |
Karen & Dick Fisher |
"Simply Salsa!" |
Samba |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2006: 98-99 |
Dwain & Judy Sechrist |
"Character & Origin of
Samba" |
1999: 51-52 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"Samba" |
1998: 58-59 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"Where's the Bounce?" |
1997: 14 |
Kenji & Nobuko Shibata |
"Let's Samba: Rhythmic Interpretation of Samba
Figures" |
1996: 58-59 |
Warren & Sandy Teague |
"Samba Notes" |
1993: 26-28 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"Samba, Samba!!!" |
1991: 63 |
Rod & Susan Anderson |
"Samba Figure Clinic" |
1989: 33A |
Neale & Arthurlyn Brown |
"Samba Clinic Notes" |
Two-Step |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2022: 31-33 |
John & Karen Herr |
"Slow Two Step Introduction
- Phase 3/4 Hall" |
2019: 38 |
Paul & Linda Robinson |
"Slow Two-Step" |
2016: 35-36 |
John & Karen Herr |
"Slow Two-Step Notes" |
2008: 60-63 |
Richard E. Lamberty |
"An Introduction to Slow
Two Step (Nightclub)" |
2000: 47 |
Mike & Toni Auriene |
"Clinic Notes on Nite-Club
2-Step" |
1999: 50 |
Mike & Toni Auriene |
"Nite Club 2-Step" |
1992: 36 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Slow Two-Step Clinic
Notes" |
Tango |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2013: 64-65 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Introduction to
International lStyle Tango" |
2013: 66-67 |
Rey & Sherry Garza |
"The Art of Tango" |
2011: 43-45 |
Sandi & Dan Finch |
"Tango: Phase V:
Where International Style Begins" |
2011: 51-52 |
Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid |
"Dancing Tango Like
Tango" |
2007: 58-60 |
Jack & Judy DeChenne |
"The Tangos: Argentine, International, & American
Styles" |
2005: 124-128 |
Richard E. Lamberty |
"Tango: The Fundamentals" |
2005: 142-143 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
"Tango, Tango, Tango: Combining Three Tangos Into One" |
1997: 15-16 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"International Tango Clinic
Notes" |
1996: 28-30 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"Tango With a
Difference" |
1996: 60-61 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"International Tango Clinic
Notes" |
1994: 34-35 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"International Tango
Notes" |
1992: 37-38 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"Advanced Execution of
Basic Figures in Tango" |
1991: 65-66 |
Stephen & Wendy Bradt |
"International Tango Clinic
Notes" |
1990: 55 |
Russ & Barbara Casey |
"Tango Workshop Notes" |
1990: 57-58 |
Sean Clemons |
"International Tango Clinic
Notes" |
1989: 36-37 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"The Tangos - Different
from Other Dances and Themselves" |
1989: 38-39 |
Mike & Sally Poehler |
"Clinic Notes on
International Tango" |
1988: 36 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Tango Clinic Notes" |
1987: 66 |
Bob & MaryAnn Rother |
"General Notes for
International Tango" |
1987: 68-72 |
Koit & Helen Tullus |
"The International
Tango" |
1985: 67-69 |
Koit & Helen Tullus |
"Tango Clinic Notes" |
1985: 73-74 |
Jay & Boots Herrmann |
"International Tango" |
1983: 15-17 |
Mike & Diana Sheridan |
"International Tango" |
1982: 89-91 |
Peter & Beryl Barton |
"International Tango
Workshop" |
1982: 99 |
Peter & Beryl Barton |
"The Tango: A Dance of Love?" |
1977: 51-52 |
Charlie & Nina Ward |
"International Tango Basics
in detail as used in 'Trumpet Tango'" |
Viennese Waltz |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2002: 61-62 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Viennese Waltz - Why Is
Phase III So Diffiocult?" |
1985: 71-72 |
Roy k& Phyllis Stier |
"The Viennese Waltz" |
1980: 32 |
Mike & Diana Sheridan |
"The Viennese Waltz" |
Waltz |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2021: 31-32 |
Mike & Leisa Dawson |
"Phase 4/5 Waltz
Clinic" |
2014: 4 (1-4) |
Mark & Pam Prow |
"Transitioning to
Intermediate Waltz" |
2014: 4 (5-6) |
Ron & Mary Noble |
"An Easier and More
Efficient Way to Dance Waltz" |
2014: 4 (7-8) |
Wayne & Barbara Blackford |
"Improving Our Waltz at
Phase V and VI" |
2008: 68-69 |
Paul & Linda Robinson |
"Waltz and Foxtrot, A
Comparison" |
2008: 70-74 |
Paul & Ann Clements |
"Leading and Following in
Waltz & Foxtrot" |
2007: 67 |
Anne & Gup Gupton |
"Waltz & Faxtrot
Figures" |
2005: 138 |
Kay & Joy Read |
"Waltz Turns, When &
How" |
2005: 139-40 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Waltz Clinic Notes" |
2000: 62-63 |
Jerry & Diana Broadwater |
"Character in Waltz" |
2004: 118-119 |
Richard E. Lamberty |
"Rise in Waltz and
Foxtrot" |
1996: 62-63 |
Jerry & Diana Broadwater |
"Character in Waltz" |
1994: 37 |
Russ & Barbara Casey |
"Waltz Workshop Notes" |
1992: 39 |
Hardie & Sara Hartung |
"Waltz Clinic Notes - Phase
VI Figures" |
1992: 40-41 |
Pete & Mary McGee |
"Waltz Clinic Notes" |
1991: 67 |
Jack & Frances Kern |
"Waltz Clinic" |
1990: 59A |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Waltz Clinic Notes" |
1989: 40-42 |
Roy & Sally Plaisance |
"The Waltz, History and
Comments" |
1987: 74-78 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Waltz Clinic Notes" |
1987: 80-82 |
Roy & Phyllis Stier |
"International Waltz" |
1985: 83-84 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Waltz Clinic Notes" |
1984: 23-24 |
Brent & Michey Moore |
"Waltz/Foxtrot Clinic
Notes" |
1983: 23-26 |
Peter & Beryl Barton |
"International Style Waltz
Clinic" |
1982: 119-125 |
Charlie & Nina Ward |
"International Waltz -
Intermediate Clinic Notes" |
1981: 18-19 |
Bill & Carol Goss |
"Waltz Clinic" |
West Coast Swing |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2023: 33 |
Bob & Sally Nolen |
"West Coast Swing Clinic
Phase III/IV" |
2021: 33-34 |
Randy Lewis & Debbie Olson |
"West Coast Clinic
Notes" |
2017: 41-42 |
Linda & Paul Robinson |
"WCS Clinic - Phase 4: Otherwise Known as: Savoy Style Lindy, Sophisticated Swing,
Western Swing, and Slop" |
2015: 40-41 |
Mark & Pam Prow |
"West Coast Swing" |
2012: 29-30 |
Mark & Pam Prow |
West Coast Swing: A Quarter Century after 'Mint Julep'" |
2012: 34-36 |
Bob & Sally Nolen |
"A Workshop on West Coast
Swing for Phase III-IV Dancers" |
2012: 38-39 |
Paul & Linda Robinson |
"West Coast Swing
Notes" |
2010: 115-116 |
Brent & Judy Moore |
2010: 117-118 |
Chris & Terri Cantrell |
2007: 71-73 |
Mark & Pam Prow |
"West Coast Swing Clinic
Notes" |
2006: 71-73 |
Jerry & Diana Broadwater |
"West Coast Swing
Technique: The Granddaughter of Alll
Swing" |
1992: 42-47 |
Roy & Sally Plaisance |
"Western Swing - West Coast
Swing" |
1991: 69-70 |
Brent & Mickey Moore |
"West Coast Swing
Notes" |
1990: 59B-60B |
Larry Segall & Elaine
Andrews |
"West Coast Swing" |
1989: 44-47 |
Ed & Gloria Kilner |
"West Coast Swing
Basics" |
Western Two Step |
Year: Page |
Presenter/s |
Title |
2005: 141 |
Mark & Shelley Hilburn |
"Western Two Step" |